Tiktok: adding eslint import management was a chore, skip to the bottom and paste that in your eslintrc

Faced with a project that had imports all over the place, I reached for eslint-plugin-import and thought that would be the end of it…

It doesn’t do as much as I expected

I expected to be able to force usage of aliases instead of relative paths in my imports, but the no-relative-packages rule did exactly what it said and only forced absolute packages, not modules etc. I had to add the native eslint rule no-restricted-imports and specify glob patterns that would match relative import paths.

Everything included, I ended up upserting my eslintrc like this:

	parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
	extends: ['plugin:import/typescript'],
	settings: {
		'import/resolver': {
			typescript: {
				alwaysTryTypes: true,
	rules: {
		'import/order': ['error', { 'newlines-between': 'never' }],
		'import/no-relative-packages': 'error',
		'no-restricted-imports': ['error', { patterns: ['./*', '../*'] }],

Why go through the trouble in the first place?

  • A lack of import order enforcing can lead to avoidable git conflicts when 2 different pull requests add imports to the same file (new imports tend to be added after all other imports).
  • Empty lines between import statements are fundamentally arbitrary and can lead to avoidable diffs if your editor is set up to automatically add/remove imports depending on your usage in the file.
  • Relative imports will always break when moving a file deeper into or out of a folder hierarchy.